Lamancha Golden Retrievers

Photo by Christopher Cornwall
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Welcome to the Home Page of Lamancha Golden Retrievers & A Dog's Best Friend Professional Canine Beautician.
Our dogs are first and foremost much-loved members of the family but they also enjoy showing and working. We keep a small number of dogs so that each one can receive the individual attention they deserve and we only breed occasionally to maintain our own line. We try to breed good quality, healthy puppies who closely conform to the breed standard whilst maintaining the sound, gentle temperament typical of the breed. Although our Goldens are "show bred" we are keen to preserve their working ability. They have been placed in "working tests" and most of our dogs hold their "Show Gundog Working Certificate" as well as enjoying considerable success in the show ring, including many Junior Warrant titles, a Show Champion & awards at Crufts.
Running a "Dog Grooming Business" from home ensures that our own dogs have the best quality of life since a Golden does not demand much except human company! A Dogs Best Friend offers a full range of grooming services from bathing & drying to handstripping, clipping & teeth de-scaling. All breeds, crossbreeds and cats are welcome and an appointment system guarantees individual care and attention for your pet. 4 yrs training combined with over 20 yrs experience and a B.SC Honours degree in Animal Science means you are offered the highest quality service. For more information visit our Grooming page
Mandy MDonald